Projects and other things

I've worked on tons of different projects, here are just a few of them.


    An AI tool that generates realisitic looking scientific papers for fun. See: "The Moon is made of cheese". This project is composed of a backend generation API / job queue and a frontend website. It uses Typescript, Nextjs, Expressjs, LaTeX, Docker along with other technologies. The site has served over 7,000 users and generated thosands of papers.

  • Spaceona

    A project I'm working on that collects data from around campus and displays it to students in a way that's useful. Without a student account to login in with, you will only find sample data. The project uses a variety of technologies, Raspberry Pi's, custom PCBs, a Node.js backend and a React frontend. It's currently in the process of being deployed to campus.

  • ClassBrowser

    A website and scrapper I built to more effectively browse my college course catalog. Built using Python for scraping and SvelteKit for the website.

  • Game Server Project - VanillaPlus

    A video game server business based on Minecraft. The server reached over 70,000 unique players and was eventually sold.

    Sold in December 2022

  • Game Server Project - USPVP

    A video game server business based on Minecraft. The server reached over 30,000 unique players and was eventually sold.

    Sold in October 2022

  • KeyLink

    I'm currently working on a project to allow people to play video games together. It uses websocks for real-time communication to allow you to "Link" your keyboard to another person's game. In testing it worked remarkably well with almost unnoticable latency.

  • Football Scorigami

    Scorigami is a meta game within American football in which people track final scores of a games that have never happened before. FBScorigami is a website that allows you to browse all of the Scorigami games that have happened in the NFL. It was built using SvelteKit over finals week.

  • MySpots

    A location based chat app that allows you to chat with people around you. It's avaliable on the Google Play Store and as a web app. It's built using a Node.js backend and two different frontends, one in Svelte for web and one in Kotlin for Android. This simplified version was built quickly to satisfy trademark requirements. The full version is still in development.

  • MIPS Processor

    This repo includes lots more than just a MIPS processor. It includes a lots of FPGA projects I've worked on for my Digital Circuits class. The MIPS processor is the most advanced multi-cycle processor I've built. It's built using System Verilog and was tested in the Xilinx Vivado test bench.

  • More Projects

    There's way too many projects to include here. Take a look at my github for some of the public repos I have there. There's even more that I haven't made public but you'll just have to imagine those for now.